Monday, August 15, 2011

Day at the Races

I am a huge fan of horses and vintage hats so when my boyfriend suggested that we spend our weekend in Saratoga Springs I was super excited! I was so surprised that fashion at the track was just as important or more important than the horses. We spent our time in the club, the reserved seating area of the track designated for horse owners and other master's of the trade. Here New England fashions ruled. Nautically themed navy blue jackets for men and smart tailored skirts, tops, and sweaters for women. Dotting the sea of heads all one could see were hats, vintage inspired hats perfect for a day at the races.

The track opened in 1864, a feat that surprised me given the importance of the war at the time. Here is a magazine drawing of ladies at the Saratoga track in the 1860s

All in all we had a great time exploring the different levels of the track and placing our economical bets on horses with names like "Clip the Coupons" and "Hysterical Cat" (And winning!). As a vegetarian and animal rights activist I am undecided concerning horse racing, but I did enjoy our leisurely day at the track.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mad Men style at Banana Republic

The new Mad Men inspired line launches today, August 11th at Banana Republic stores. The new line is a collaboration between the Banana Republic design team and Mad Men's award winning designer, Janie Bryant. The collection features fitted men's suits, fedoras, wiggle dresses, and a particularly enviable leopard print hand bag.

But before you run to the nearest Banana Republic check out your local vintage shop and Etsy sellers for authentic looks from the early 1960s.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Behind the Burly Q

I had the good fortune to find this gem on TV and I thought that I had to pass it on! Behind the Burly Q follows famous burlesque stars throughout their whirl wind careers to offer a unique view of the golden era of burlesque- highly recommended! 

In other exciting news the new burlesque troupe, Binghamton Burlesque is now forming with rehearsals starting in September

Monday, August 8, 2011

Are Men Necessary?

Borrowing from the title of Maureen Dowd's recent work, today's blog entry attempts to explore the age old question of the battle of the sexes. Ms. Dowd's text explores the birth and death of feminism in terms any football aficionado could appreciate.

I have been struggling with these issues myself. As I age (I am at the ripe old age of 28) I cannot help but reevaluate the trajectory of my life. Once a Phi Beta Kappa member and now a graduate school drop out in the name of social justice and bohemian ideals I find my feminist self rebelling at my life choices. Wasn't I supposed to be a powerful academic breaking through walls in the field of history all in the name of feminism?

Dowd's work suggests that it is our generation of women, not the baby boomers, who are to fault for the death of feminism. Here we sit comfortably in our middle class lives choosing to oppose the corporate rat race, or worse- choosing marriage, instead of forging down career paths fighting for gender equality in the office.

I cannot help but be moved by her arguments, but yet as I think of the women who have worked long hours to start their own Etsy businesses, many of them graduate school drop outs, I find some solice in the idea that perhaps this resistance to the male led and controlled corporate system may be the new breed of feminism.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Where Are We Going?

As the summer is winding to a close I cannot stop thinking about cross country road trips, salt water, and barbecues. With all of the work needed to prepare the shop for opening day vacations were not a possibility this summer. All this nostalgia had me gazing once again at Etsy.

Some summer inspiration:

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Invasion of the Prom Dresses

What a surprise this week when I encountered a bunch of gorgeous 1950s vintage prom dresses in perfect condition!

These beauties are available in the SHOP