Sunday, July 24, 2011

Secret Garden

As a lover and collector of all things vintage my heart has a special place for vintage clothing, jewelry, bags, and other accessories. In my search for the absolute best vintage pieces for myself I have stumbled across so many beautiful pieces that I simply could not find room for. From my personal struggle to save these items the Retro Kitten was born, a vintage boutique in Vestal, NY. I have also opened a Retro Kitten Etsy shop and have been the proud momma of Agent 137, the vintage toy shop on Etsy for some time. 

I plan to use this blog as a journal of my secrets, desires, and vintage exploits... and I may throw in a contest or two along the way! 

Check out the shop now for a new influx of 1960s dresses


  1. One of my very good friends, Michelle, just told me about your shop in Vestal and sent me the link for your blog. I cannot wait to come check it out!!! I love vintage stuff AND crafting, so that will be a win-win for me!!

  2. Thank you so much for your sweet comment and thank you for checking out the blog! I cannot wait to meet you!
